Wyoming Wolves Face Hunting Statewide!

This fall, the Wyoming Game and Fish Commissioners voted to classify the wolf as a predator outside wilderness areas in the rest of the state. Predator classification means the wolf can be killed at any time, by any means and for any reason. In Fremont County, prime wolf country right in the southeastern corner of the greater Yellowstone ecosystem, the county commissioners have drawn 'a line in the sand' when it comes to wolf reintroduction. In March 2002, they passed resolutions banning wolves and other 'unacceptable species' from the county.

Last May, the Central Idaho Wolf Coalition bought sensational newspaper ads throughout the state to publish their venomous anti-wolf rhetoric. The ads declared that the Coalition's 'sole objective is the immediate removal of the wolf from Idaho.' Subsequently, on June 6, 2002, the Idaho House of Representatives passed House Joint Memorial Bill 5, demanding that wolves be removed from Idaho 'by whatever means necessary.'

Old News

Little Red Riding Hood Lied



Updated May 15, 2002

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